My 3 Essential Back to School Drugstore Face Products
Hey everyone,
Now first let me apologise for not having posted anything on my blog in quite a while, nearly 3 weeks to be exact! I have genuinely been super busy as I went back to school last week and am now in year 12. Being in Sixth Form is definitely hard work and a-levels are going to be a challenge. I am doing Drama, Dance, Media and English. So far I am liking all my subjects. I had dance today and it was super tiring and hard work. I haven't danced for about 3 months so I definitely felt the pain! So onto the blog post. Every school has different rules about wearing makeup but my school lets you wear makeup in Sixth Form. Luckily they are really laid back with makeup for sixth formers so you can basically wear as little or as much as you want. Although this is great it also has a downside to it as your skin has a lot less time to be free of makeup and be able to breathe. So do make sure you have a good skin routine every night for when you come home from school just so your skin can have a bit of an airing. So before school started I was looking around Superdrug for some reasonably priced but high quality face products, and I cannot tell you how happy I am with these three products I bought. They are all equally amazing.

Rimmel London and L'OREAL Paris never fail to disappoint. They are both reliable drugstore brands so I knew I couldn't go wrong. When it comes to taking your makeup to school you really don't need to be taking expensive high-end makeup products because they could easily get lost or stolen. I am a huge MAC lover but I really don't want to be taking my MAC stuff into school. It is also nice to sometimes save your more luxury products for those special occasions and weekends.

L'OREAL Paris Nude MAGIQUE Blur Cream- For a Drugstore product this wasn't exactly spectacularly cheap as you can get similar things to this for say £4.99. This was priced at £9.99. This is like the cheaper version of Benefits 'Porefessional'. Now let me say one thing, I adore the 'Porefessional' by Benefit so this product had a lot to live up to. But it really didn't disappoint. This really blurs out your imperfections and camouflages blemishes. It is described on the bottle as "magic". I am not saying this will hide or get rid of acne or those horrid big mountain spots we all occastional get. It really does just smooth out the skin, evens your complexion and minimises pores. On the back of the tube it says 'The micro-blur technology concentrated with light reflectors delivers an optical blurring effect for a flawless nude complexion'. This also acts as a great face primer and is such a beautiful base for your foundation to apply onto. I just find my foundation looks so much more smooth and radiant with this underneath it. If you are someone who doesn't like wearing much makeup on the face you could just use this on its own.

Rimmel London Lasting Finish 25 Hour Foundation- Rimmel had a lot to live up to saying that this foundation lasts 25 hours. When I first saw it I thought 'yeah right' but then I wanted to give it a go. As I like to say never judge a book by its cover. I was looking for a foundation that will purely last for a long time. I wanted a foundation that still looks great at the end of a long day. My main reason for this is because I am doing very active a-levels such as Drama & Dance. Both of these subjects involve a lot of movement which of course leads to sweating. As soon as I read the product description on the back I was sold 'Sweat, Heat, Humidity and transfer proof up to 25 hours. Enriched with a revitalising mineral complex and moisturising aqua primer. Skin feels energised and hydrated all day'. So not only does this stay put, it also moisturises and keeps the skin healthy. I had dance today and I can honestly say I sweated a lot (sorry to point out) but the foundation didn't budge. An AMAZING product, my new favourite foundation. And the best thing is, this is only £7.99 so an absolute bargain.

Rimmel London Wake Me Up Concealer- It is fair to say that this concealer is no stranger to the blogging world, many beauty gurus love and own this. I now know why. I have always stuck by my Collection Lasting Perfection concealer which I still love and use to death. But I now have two favourites. In my opinion this is the perfect concealer for those horrible early morning starts as it has a Anti-Fatigue effect and gives you a radiant glow. Because this reawakens and illuminates under the eyes it covers those dark circles and banishes any tired or rundown look. It is also a good blemish banisher. I use this and the Collection Lasting Perfection concealer together, they work well as a pair. I am really loving this. It has a fab light consistency and really brightens up your makeup. This is priced at £5.49.
So there you have it. They are my 3 Essential Back to School Drugstore Face Products. I hope you liked this post. If you have any questions on any of these products please leave me a comment and I will get back to you. If you would like to see what eye or lip products I use for Sixth Form let me know.
Thanks for reading!
Ell x